
Bakkensen, L., Phan, T., and Wong, T.N. (Forthcoming.) Leveraging the Disagreement on Climate Change: Theory and Evidence. Journal of Political Economy.

Bakkensen, L., Ma, L., Muehlenbachs, L., Benitez, L. 2024. Cumulative Impacts in Environmental Justice: Insights from Economics and Policy. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 107:103993.

Venegas-Quiñones, H. L., García-Chevesich, P., Valdés-Pineda, R., Ferré, T., Gupta, H., Groenendyk, D., Valdés, J., Bakkensen, L. Creating Sustainable Flood Maps Using Machine Learning and Free Remote Sensing Data in Unmapped Areas. Sustainability, 16(20), 8918.

Friedrich, H., Tellman, B., Sullivan, J., Saunders, A., Zuniga-Terran, A., Bakkensen, L., Cawley, M., Dolk, M., Emberson, R., Forrest, S., Gupta, N., Gyawali, N., Hall, C., Kettner, A., Sanchez Lozano, J., Bola, G. 2024. Earth Observation to Monitor and Redress Inequitable Post-Flood Recovery. Earth’s Future. 12(2):e2023EF003606.

Adeel, Z., Bakkensen, L., Cabrera-Rivera, O., Franco, E., Garfin, G., McPherson, R., Mendez, K., and Wen, X. 2023. Challenges in and Opportunities for International Collaboration: Costing Flood Damages and Losses across Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 104: E1323-E1332.

Bernat, R., Megdal, S., Eden, S., and Bakkensen, L. 2023. Stakeholder Opinions on the Issues of the Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District and Policy Alternatives. Water. 15(6), 1166.

Wen, X., Alarcon Ferreira, A. M., Rae, L., Saffari, H., Adeel, Z., Bakkensen, L., Mendez Estrada, K., Garfin, G., McPherson, R., Vargas, E. 2022. A Comprehensive Methodology for Evaluating Economic Impacts of Floods: An Application to Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Sustainability. 14(21): 14139.

Bakkensen, L. and Barrage, L. 2022. Going Under Water? Flood Risk Belief Heterogeneity and Coastal Home Price Dynamics. The Review of Financial Studies 35(8): 3666-3709. Online Appendix. 

Fan, Q. and Bakkensen, L. 2022. Household Sorting as Adaptation to Hurricane Risk in the United States. Land Economics. 98(2): 219-238.

Schlager, E., Bakkensen, L., Olivier, T, and Hanlon, J. 2021. Institutional Design for a Complex Commons: Variations in the Design of Credible Commitments and the Provision of Public Goods. Public Administration. 99(2): 263-289.

Adeel, Z., Alarcon, A. M., Bakkensen, L., Franco, E., Garfin, G., McPherson, R., Mendez, K., Roudaut, M. B., Saffari, H., and Wen, X. 2020. Developing a Comprehensive Methodology for Evaluating Economic Impacts of Floods in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 50:101861. 

Bakkensen, L. and Ma, L. 2020. Sorting Over Flood Risk and Implications for Policy Reform. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 104:102362. Winner of the 2020 JEEM Best Paper Award.

Bakkensen, L. and Schuler, P. 2020. A Preference for Power: Willingness to Pay for Energy Reliability Versus Fuel Type in Vietnam. Energy Policy. 144: 111696.

Bakkensen, L., Ding, X., and Ma, L. 2019. Flood Risk and Salience: New Evidence from the Sunshine State. Southern Economic Journal. 85(4): 1132-1158.

Bakkensen, L., Park, S., and Sarkar, R. 2018. Climate Costs of Tropical Cyclone Losses Depend Also on Rain. Environmental Research Letters. 13(7): 074034.

Bakkensen, L., Shi, X, and Zurita, B. 2018. “The Impact of Disaster Data on Estimating Damage Determinants and Climate Costs.” Economics of Disasters and Climate Change. 2(1): 49-71.

Bakkensen, L. 2017. “Mediterranean Hurricanes and Associated Damage Estimates.” Journal of Extreme Events. 4(2): 1750008.

Bakkensen, L., Fox-Lent, C., Read, L., and Linkov, I. 2017. “Validating Resilience and Vulnerability Indices in the Context of Natural Disasters.” Risk Analysis. 37(5): 982-1004.

Seo, N. and Bakkensen, L. 2017. “Is Tropical Cyclone Surge, Not Intensity, What Kills So Many People in South Asia?” Weather, Climate, and Society. 9(2): 171-181.

Bakkensen, L. and Mendelsohn, R. 2016. “Risk and Adaptation: Evidence from Global Hurricane Damages and Fatalities.” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. 3(3): 555-587.

Seo, N. and Bakkensen, L. 2016. “Did Adaptation Strategies Work? High Fatalities from Tropical Cyclones in the North Indian Ocean and Future Vulnerability Under Global Warming.” Natural Hazards. 82(2): 1341-1355.

Bakkensen, L. and Larson, W. 2014. “Population Matters When Modeling Hurricane Fatalities.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 111(50): E5331-E5332.

Mendelsohn, R., Emanuel, K., Chonabayashi, S, and Bakkensen, L. 2012. “The Impact of Climate Change on Global Tropical Cyclone Damage.” Nature Climate Change. 2(2): 1-5.

Bakkensen, L. 2007. “Student-Perspective Sources of Environmental Learning in South Korea.” Journal of the Korean Geographical Society. 42(5): 769-787.

Hazlett, D. and Bakkensen, L. 2005. “Global Trade in CO2 Permits: A Classroom Experiment.” Perspectives in Economic Education Research. 1(1): 18-43.

Book Chapters (Peer Reviewed)

Bakkensen, L., and Conte, M. 2022. Risk Preferences and Natural Disasters: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Themes. Handbook on the Economics of Disasters. Edward Elgar Publishing. Cheltenham, United Kingdom.

Bakkensen, L., and Blair, L. 2022. The Economics of Tropical Cyclone Adaptation. Handbook of Behavioral Economics and Climate Change. Edward Elgar Publishing. Cheltenham, United Kingdom.

Bakkensen, L. and Blair, L. 2020. “Flood Damage Assessments: Theory and Evidence from the United States.” Encyclopedia of Crisis Analysis. Oxford University Press. Oxford, United Kingdom.

Bakkensen, L. and Mendelsohn, R. 2019. “Global Tropical Cyclone Damages and Fatalities Under Climate Change: An Updated Assessment.” Hurricane Risk, Vol 1, Ch 9. Springer.

Policy White Papers

Commission for Environmental Cooperation. Prepared by Adeel, Z., Alarcón, A. M., Bakkensen, L., Franco, E., Garfin, G. M., McPherson, R. A., Méndez, K., Rae, L., Saffari, H., Wen, X. 2021. CEC Policy Brief on Flood Costing. Understanding the Comprehensive Economic Impact of Floods in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Montreal, Canada: Commission for Environmental Cooperation. May 2021. 5 pp.

Bakkensen, L. and Johnson, R. 2017. “The Economic Impacts of Extreme Weather: Tucson and Southern Arizona’s Current Risks and Future Opportunities.” Making Action Possible in Southern Arizona Dashboard.

Selected Work in Progress

Bakkensen, L. and Barrage, L. Conditionally Accepted. Climate Shocks, Cyclones, and Economic Growth: Bridging the Micro-Macro Gap. The Economic Journal. Online Appendix. Replaces older working paper “Do Disasters Affect Growth? A Macro Model-Based Perspective on the Empirical Debate” (2016).

Bakkensen, L., Nguyen, Q., Phan, T., Schuler, P. Charting the Course: How Does Information about Sea Level Rise Affect the Willingness to Migrate? (Revise and Resubmit at Communications Earth & Environment.)

Shrader, J., Bakkensen, L., and Lemoine, D. Fatal Errors: The Mortality Value of Accurate Weather Forecasts. NBER Working Paper w31361. (Under review.)

Friedrich, H., and Bakkensen, L. After Impacts: Theory and Empirics for Natural Disaster Recovery. Manuscript requested at the Review of Environmental Economics and Policy.

Bakkensen, L. Learning from Public Information Under Conflicting Signals: Evidence from U.S. Tornadoes.

Bakkensen, L. and Ahmed, S. The Role of Risk Preferences in Climate Decisions: Evidence from Bangladeshi Farmers.

Blair, L., and Bakkensen, L., Building Codes and Spillovers: Evidence from Hurricane Michael.

Popular Press

Shrader, J., Bakkensen, L., and Lemoine, D.  More accurate weather forecast and mortality. August 1, 2023. IZA Institute of Labor Economics.

Shrader, J., Bakkensen, L., and Lemoine, D.  Weather forecast accuracy is crucial in a heat wave – 1 degree can mean the difference between life and death. July 13, 2023. The Conversation.

Shrader, J., Bakkensen, L., and Lemoine, D. What can make a difference between life and death during a heat wave}. July 12, 2023. The Los Angeles Times.

Selected Grants

National Science Foundation. Collaborative Research: Using Weather Forecasts to Identify Economic Behavior (with D. Lemoine and J. Shrader). $297,437. 2023-2026.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Gulf Research Program Early-Career Research Fellowship. $76,000. 2017-2019.

Fulbright Teaching Grant to South Korea. 2005.